Just a tad fucked and when I posted that song for you my brother I was all fucked-up and I should have posted this one,made before it hit the charts or at the least made sure it wasn't the one that cuts out in the middle. Now, this song is for you my brother
And I'm not quite ready to talk about this shit. He was my friend and I miss him and he died and here's a song for you my brother 'cause you loved the blues and it's cold outside but it feels a little colder now.
All those things we were going to do and all that fun we would have and No not gonna happen and it's not your fault and I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me, and I miss you but I don't grieve for you 'cause you're with Jesus or where ever you were supposed to go but I grieve for me, I'm here on Earth and I feel a little cheated but it's not the first time and dam I miss you. Now here is this song I used to like. It might cheer me up a bit.
In the grand tradition of "the messenger bar" they were playing this song that featured the first name of one the employees maybe they meant to taunt or flatter I don't know and I started thinking back to when my friends in this kick-ass party band did a rocking cover of that pop song and it hit me she had not even been born yet when they did that song. I'm told one night some dip-shit kept asking for her number and she gave him 867-5309. Good girl.
I walk with death, I'm ready to kill I can't leave the house unarmed and that's okay 'cause I'm taking all that fuck-upedness and I'm using it for good, no really, yeah that's it take the negative and turn it to the greater good, No that's a tad silly but here in this place we live there are some really crazy fucks and sometimes you have to get in to their heads and crawl around for a bit, make them think you're just as fucked up, sometime you get stuck in that crazy space, try to write about it and leave a half-finished thought on your blog for three hours, draft isn't just a word about beer, dam it! A to the L to the A to the S to the motherfuckin' K.
The local classic rock station did that during the first Gulf War, Operation Desert Fox they called it. Being something of a music historian I wanted to do my bit. What was that song my buddy who was a DJ in Viet Nam turned me on to. Yeah, that's it my "classic rock" dedication. Strangely they didn't play it.
We talk about "deliver or die". On one of Bill's deliveries they shot him right out of the sky, he spent eight months as a guest of the North Koreans. I hope some day to be that hard. Bill would from time to time corner some youngster and berate him for how worthless and weak he and his generation were. I don't know where I'm going with this but this song is for you my brother I miss you like all the others.
Sometimes I feel like.. but not right now, too much bullshit running through my brain to organize it in any kind of coherent fashion but I did update an old post .
That once was a joke and it was dam funny, yes it was. Catch me on karaoke night I know all the lyrics, these are the birds you can not change...........now that joke is extra funny, do Freebird......
In my last post when I imagined myself riding as a messenger, I was Falco dancing above the streets, now I'm just some asshole in a mini-van with a list at the grocery store, riding a Surly Big Dummy. In terms of eighties music it's Freshaire 1-I've already lost interest over your insipid crap. I favor the bike trails I take it easy now and sometimes I walk.
and then when someone you knew died it was quick brutal and terrible but it was quick and that's how you assumed it would go for you but you know what they say about those who assume. Now they go slow just as brutal and terrible but slow and now that's how you might go.
You were cool, stylish, fast, dodging the cops while working for the man and when you talked about it, seamed like you were talking in a foreign tongue, But alless klar heir commissar.
It's a tad long and a tad simplistic and it glosses over a lot of shit but there was some good in the sixties beside the tunes. This was the runner up and maybe I got some big long sociopolitical commentary I want to make but fuck me it's late and my teeth hurt.
No I don't hate you as individuals I just hate you as a group, hate is a strong word, hate carries passion and violence, no I can not hate.When an individual rides in the rain or the snow, I'll be nice, I will treat that individual with the respect he or she deserves. The rest of you fair-weather hipster-fixster dip-shits Ya'all can kiss my rebel dick. Ya know the station manager who fired me from the collage radio once asked if I hated her, I said. "You're too pretty to hate." Now she's Steven Tyler's fiance' and I wish her well, no really.
I was a bike messenger in Anchorage and it went a little like this. It was cold yet tropical and at the same time every thing was wrong and at the same time right, I was a bike messenger in Anchorage, tropical hotdog night.
and then I met the girl who wanted to meet and feed the monster and we lived happily ever after.
The last four posts I edited three, I didn't think I had said what I wanted to say when I drunkenly shat them out like a good stinky nasty beer shit ( stealing from Bukowski I guess) but there was one perfect beer shit I left alone.
Don't know why? Wanna cry.
Maybe just maybe it has something to do with that distorted view we have of the past. When we think about the late sixties we imagine hippies under foot and all the greats of what we now call classic rock. The reality is, this was a big hit, if you lived any place where they had radios that played music this would be the song far more likely to be stuck in your head, not The Door's or The Airplane or Hendrix or any of that cool groovy shit. I'm told that when I was a tiny child just learning to speak I would join in at the chorus when it played on the radio. A song about a part of town the middle class was fleeing and it was starting to get a little scary. Let's go Downtown. Thing's 'll be great when we're Downtown..there's a certain irony in there somehow 'cause irony can be pretty dam ironic when you think about it, so forget all your troubles forget all you cares and let's go downtown. Thing's 'll be great when we're Downtown.
They tell me he's a fraud and a joke, he got on BET afterdark, he had the cars and the girls at least on camera, yeah that living room is part of the lobby of the Cook and they might of hacked the elevator at 520 L but he worked with Bizzy Bone, fake, wannabe, whatever? No ones ever written and videoed about this town like he did, at the same time captured a part of our "unique frontier spirit" something that is Anchorage that is beyond culture or group, something timeless an attitude, if you will. So, roll up a vega for the Joker, we goin' club hoppin'. The video part of the first song below, it just shows that perfect summers day off in Anchorage, the song speaks for itself. The second song well it's just darn cute and cut off too short.Gansta, legitimate businessman, black, white or whatever. Money comes and goes and we try real hard not fuck with each other. We party a tad harder then we should, that's how we roll up north So, roll up a Vega for the players and ride safe, wear a condom.
We all want to be someone else. Being me and being you that's a lot of work. I have to ask myself back in the seventies when people were putting on their cowboy boots getting ready to ride that mechanical bull and the still living cowboys looked upon those dip-shits did they hate, like I hate, were they like me one step away from doing some real anti-social bullshit did they want to drag some worthless fuck into the inlet and remind them you pay a price for fashion? So yeah put on those skinny jeans, throw that cool Chrome bag on and hop on your stylin' fixie, go ahead pretend to be what you can never be, imagine what it's like, run your little alleycat and know you'll never know what we are and you'll never feel what we feel and never know what we know but yeah, ya' look cool there cowboy. There's a brand new dance they do it over there but they don't do it here. beep beep. Oh, yeah feel free to go fuck yourselves.
I had wanted to take a moment to reflect on all the nights events and perhaps write a little bit about the most wonderful of those, stories of love, kindness, respect and friendship but I had to think about the one negative encounter and now it's to late and I'm to tired. All I've got left is a song that reminded me of my wife when I played it staying up to late missing her last week.
Asshole. If you're gonna steal our style at least kiss my ass a little or take a compliment like a human being, Mr. Fashionvictim. Fuck you, no really fuck you and the whore you rode in on, didn't see any bike but I'm to polite to say that, this time and well I'm at it, I can tell you aint from 'round here son, wearin' them sandals with no socks in May. 15 seconds you gave me 15 reasons to hate your hipster ass. Play me out my brother.
Just gotta sayOne thing about Anchorage not to many tall buildings. Every couple years or so someone would go to "The Cook" and do an asphalt swan dive. Always seamed to miss the action, never saw them scrape up the street pizza on all those hangover mornings.
and it was like this. Not like that more like something else. When you finally quit this messenger shit something has to replace that rush. I don't know what I'm trying to say maybe because all night I've been trying to find that thing the thing I got every day for fourteen mother fuckin' years and they paid me for it. Where can I get that without going to war, becoming a cop or some other high danger thing or turning junkie. I miss my two wheeled drug buddy she always came through. "There's still some of the same stuff we got yesterday." Yeah, but that stuff is starting to hurt,,,,,,,,,In a moment of weakness I almost put in a certain song and it would have worked with the theme I was going for but ya' know there's a reason I didn't.
I thought it was going to be like this just a perfect day all round, but wait a moment shit aint like that where I'm from a place just a tad more diverse comin' straight out of Spenard mother fucker and now I gotta deal with these bouji ass fuckers well it's just funny making small talk about a funny thing my friends did twenty years ago well, it's just funny. I didn't want to scare you but now that you're scared of me just a tad , well good, yeah that's good maybe you should be a little scared, not like if you piss me off and I might get all Spenard about it......
Happy birthday to you since I ran into you and your husband at the end of my bike ride on your birthday and maybe it was the way you looked at him, I've had this song stuck in my head all night and it's true, yes it' true this song stuck in my head until I'm galloping through the morning dew and I hope that you and he, had the best birthday all night. "cause it's true that I'm going to........wish you both well......
.back when I was on the collage radio I would have played this is dedication to you two,.not your fault really, one time we got frozen rain I had a "Steely Dan" song stuck in my head for days.
If we were not good people and if our cat were not sleeping on my part of the bed. This would not be my video of the day and I wouldn't be burning for you.....well not as much maybe having quenched the flame but maybe you spark a flame that can't be quenched, just know I'm burning,,,
but just maybe today deserves another video 'cause I'm like a rock and you roll me
and oh. yeah, there's just one more little thing I need to discuss, just one more little thing...or two....
As reported by BBC News, a cyclist was killed
after a collision with a coach on Wormwood Street last Friday (3rd
February 2012). Various posters on the Moving Target forum expressed
their concern that it was a courier, and Rico Logistics have apparently
confirmed that it was Henry. If this is the case, then Henry would be
the 9th London bicycle messenger known to have been killed whilst
I’m sure that all Moving Target readers & posters will
join me in expressing shock and dismay. My condolences to friends and
family. There’s some talk on the forum of a ride on Friday. Watch that
I got nothing to say. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. I'm going to run out of versions of this song.
It's not about the money, if it were just that..... well. we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's about honor and it's about having a code to live by. It's about doing your fucking job and doing it well and not having to take shit from inferiors and well, fuck it try as I might I can't explain it no more then I can explain "The American Dream" Yeah fuck it, you'll never get it
There comes a time when you just have to stop. You tell yourself that it's just for a little while and after a time you will be back on the road where there are no lies, only truth sometimes brutal and ugly sometimes beautiful and wonderful and you are one with it all in that cosmic flow. Then one day it's. "Go ahead stick a fork in my ass, fuck it, I'm done." This may be the roughest winter since my rookie years and I'd sell my soul to be right there in it, riding the big snows and the sub-zero lows. fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
The best and worst bike messenger in Anchorage, Alaska.He's a complicated man. No one understands him but his woman. He's a bad motherfu... Shut your mouth! But I'm talkin' 'bout Kirk. We can dig it.
Feel the pavement when you bounce from it, hear the engine of a car roaring behind you, answer the static coming from your two-way, embrace the corner of the box that craves your spine while you´re carrying it in your bag, taste the cold and yet sweet taste of beer when it sparkles in your mouth.
tales from the front
i'm leaving 315 Bay st. after meeting up with 50 to hand him a job going
north that's got more than an hour left. I'm headed to 235 Mo, to grab a
Apartheid on the Ballot
On Town Meeting Day this year, Brattleboro, along with six other Vermont
towns, will have the opportunity to vote to declare itself an
Apartheid-Free Commu...
Tea vs. Coffee
Tea is simple. To make an excellent cuppa simply requires a thick-walled,
pre-heated teapot – something that requires an investment of a mere fiver.
In add...
The End
Well, it had to happen eventually. I couldn’t just ride around in circles
in central London for the rest of my life. Last summer I started to get
itchy fee...