Sometimes I feel like.. but not right now, too much bullshit running through my brain to organize it in any kind of coherent fashion but I did update an old post .
That once was a joke and it was dam funny, yes it was. Catch me on karaoke night I know all the lyrics, these are the birds you can not that joke is extra funny, do Freebird......
In my last post when I imagined myself riding as a messenger, I was Falco dancing above the streets, now I'm just some asshole in a mini-van with a list at the grocery store, riding a Surly Big Dummy. In terms of eighties music it's Freshaire 1-I've already lost interest over your insipid crap. I favor the bike trails I take it easy now and sometimes I walk.
and then when someone you knew died it was quick brutal and terrible but it was quick and that's how you assumed it would go for you but you know what they say about those who assume. Now they go slow just as brutal and terrible but slow and now that's how you might go.
You were cool, stylish, fast, dodging the cops while working for the man and when you talked about it, seamed like you were talking in a foreign tongue, But alless klar heir commissar.
The best and worst bike messenger in Anchorage, Alaska.He's a complicated man. No one understands him but his woman. He's a bad motherfu... Shut your mouth! But I'm talkin' 'bout Kirk. We can dig it.
Feel the pavement when you bounce from it, hear the engine of a car roaring behind you, answer the static coming from your two-way, embrace the corner of the box that craves your spine while you´re carrying it in your bag, taste the cold and yet sweet taste of beer when it sparkles in your mouth.
tales from the front
i'm leaving 315 Bay st. after meeting up with 50 to hand him a job going
north that's got more than an hour left. I'm headed to 235 Mo, to grab a
Apartheid on the Ballot
On Town Meeting Day this year, Brattleboro, along with six other Vermont
towns, will have the opportunity to vote to declare itself an
Apartheid-Free Commu...
Tea vs. Coffee
Tea is simple. To make an excellent cuppa simply requires a thick-walled,
pre-heated teapot – something that requires an investment of a mere fiver.
In add...
The End
Well, it had to happen eventually. I couldn’t just ride around in circles
in central London for the rest of my life. Last summer I started to get
itchy fee...