Thursday, September 20, 2007

If I threw a blog would anyone read it?

I got drunk and started a blog, what was I thinking?


Buffalo Bill said...

I think they will!

See you in TO.

Kirk said...

I'm hoping to talk my attorney into going to TO.

Anonymous said...

Kirk in Alaska,

I'll read your blog.

Joe from New Brunswick, Canada

kristianhansen said...

Drinking is an excellent reason to start a blog, especially when its about biking.

John said...

There is no way in hell I am gonna read it!

Damn it, I already did...

I guess I take that first part back....

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading it...

Problem is when I've got nothing to deliver, I use the internet in the library. Your blog is blocked by their internet filter! I've submitted numerous requests for it to be unblocked (with my email address for them to reply with their decision) but the fuckers keep ignoring me.

Kirk said...

Sorry, 'bout that. I was afraid someones kid would see the word "fuck" or she a picture with boobies then Mommy or Daddy go ape shit and...................