I may have stole the title from Mr. Jim Goad. It's late I can't sleep our cat has me pinned to the couch, I'm watching this thing called "A suicide girls guide to life" with sound off hence the title.I used to know girls who kind of looked like these girls once upon a time along the dachshund of time, the piercings, the tats, the hair dye, the punk rock Betty Page new wave fashion sense. One key difference if I were watching those girls cavort about in states of undress, I'd have to move the cat but something is missing or takes themselves a little too seriously and the cat may rest. As the show progresses I have a song going through my head it's so wrong but still funny. As I find myself traveling through time into the past and looking towards the future while watching soft core cable smut like a ten year old unaroused but unable to turn it off. Somehow it all still scares me but this now here with you and how lucky I am to have it and the sheer amazement of it keeps me awake as much as the pain in my body. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen tonights band "The Bloodhound Gang", enjoy the veal and don't forget to tip your waitress 'cause the owner don't pay shit.Playing us out Mr. Randy Newman. Good Night.
History repeats like a bad carry out lunch. No it hasn't snowed yet. I just liked this photo my buddy Scot took last year and well, I do wear a lot of black but I'm to much of a close-out shopper to go all black but......shit.
The best and worst bike messenger in Anchorage, Alaska.He's a complicated man. No one understands him but his woman. He's a bad motherfu... Shut your mouth! But I'm talkin' 'bout Kirk. We can dig it.
Feel the pavement when you bounce from it, hear the engine of a car roaring behind you, answer the static coming from your two-way, embrace the corner of the box that craves your spine while you´re carrying it in your bag, taste the cold and yet sweet taste of beer when it sparkles in your mouth.
tales from the front
i'm leaving 315 Bay st. after meeting up with 50 to hand him a job going
north that's got more than an hour left. I'm headed to 235 Mo, to grab a
Apartheid on the Ballot
On Town Meeting Day this year, Brattleboro, along with six other Vermont
towns, will have the opportunity to vote to declare itself an
Apartheid-Free Commu...
Tea vs. Coffee
Tea is simple. To make an excellent cuppa simply requires a thick-walled,
pre-heated teapot – something that requires an investment of a mere fiver.
In add...
The End
Well, it had to happen eventually. I couldn’t just ride around in circles
in central London for the rest of my life. Last summer I started to get
itchy fee...